Nr. 1: Kaivalya, the State of Unity.
Time: 7.54 Min.
Nr. 2: Coming Home to Vaikuntha.
Time: 14.47 Min.
Nr. 3: Pure Love so sweet so strong.
Time: 6.08 Min.
Nr. 4: Descending Light of Christ on Christmas Eve.
Time: 8.16 Min.
Nr. 5: Victory of Light over darkness.
Time: 6.10 Min.
Nr. 6: Shri Krishnas farewell
Time: 5.26 Min.
Nr. 7: Maharishis Journey to the Heavens
Time: 6.05 Min.
Nr. 08: Pure Trans-Zen-dental Sound of Music.
Time: 5.59 Min.
Nr. 9: A beautiful Journey to the Holy Mountains. Part 1.
Time: 6.16 Min.
Nr. 10: A beautiful Journey to the Holy Mountains. Part 2.
Time: 7.19 Min.
Nr. 11: The way of love
Time: 3.03 Min.
Total time played: about 78.00 Min.
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